Friday, November 16, 2007

What's been going on

Yesterday Aidan had his first of six shots to help prevent RSV (Respiratory syncytial virus). It will help prevent the bronchitis or pneumonia. It is kind of a like a flu shot, but the shot wears off every 28 to 30 days. So a visiting nurse comes to the house to give him the shot. When she was here yesterday he weighed 15# 10 oz. What a chunky monkey. He has little rolls on the back of his legs.

Tonight we are taking Ethan to his first movie at a theater. We are going to see "Bee Movie." We thought we would go to a smaller theater and then work our way up to a bigger one. I know he wants to see the movie, but he is still unsure what a theater is like. I'm sure he will love it. Nana LouAnn is going to watch Aidan and Ethan has asked that she watch his "babies" (his stuffed dog and duck) too. He was concerned that they would be all alone and he wanted her to know that they eat at 8:30. So I will have to let you know what happens at the movies and how many times he wants to run out for more popcorn and candy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

O Ethan you are a riot. Asking Nana to watch your babies. I love you. :o) Hope you guys had a good time at the movies.

Hurray for the chunky monkey still growing bigger! Sorry you have to have shots. HUGS!

Love you all.